[:en]Calamity Jane is back again![:nl]Calamity Jane is terug![:]

[:en]Calamity Jane is back again![:nl]Calamity Jane is terug![:]

[:en] As you can see in the picture, Calamity Jane had a great time at Zomerfolk last year. So much so that they are joining us again this year! They will be waiting for you at our gates to welcome you with their lively Tunes, deadly ballads and driving dance. [:nl]...
[:en]Freshly baked pretzels![:nl]Kakelverse broodkrakelingen![:]

[:en]Freshly baked pretzels![:nl]Kakelverse broodkrakelingen![:]

[:en]   The Peddlers of Amsterdam make the long journey to the Town Park of Groningen to bake their delicious bread pretzels at Zomerfolk. With their fresly baked goods they walk around the festival grounds. They sell three varieties of bread pretzels: with salt,...