
Zomerfolk not only is a huge party with fantastic shows; there is also a lot to do for kids. And children under 12 have free entrance!

For example, we have a children's village with castle of straw, highland games, face painting and much more. Children can also participate in archery, drink a delicious cup of lemonade and dance with the rest of the nice and child-friendly audience on the happy tunes that will be heard all day.

Check the lineup (including information and music videos from the bands) and more information about the festival at https://zomerfolk.nl/category/festival-info/

Tickets are available at: https://zomerfolk.nl/zomerfolk-tickets[:NL]

Besides the fact that Zomerfolk is a big party with thundering performances, there is always a lot to do for the children. And children under 12 years old can enter for free!

We have a children's village with a straw castle, highland games, face painting and much more. Children can also participate in archery, drink a delicious cup of lemonade and dance with the rest of the fun and child-friendly crowd to the cheerful tunes that sound throughout the day.

For the line-up (including information and music videos of the bands) and more information about the festival, visit https://zomerfolk.nl/nl/category/festival-info/

Tickets are available at: https://zomerfolk.nl/nl/zomerfolk-tickets[:the]

Das Zomerfolk is not nur ein großes Festival with Spitzenbands, auch Kinder haben dort ihren Spaß! For children under 12 years ist the Eintritt frei!

Für die Kinder haben wir ein Kinderdorf mit einer Strohburg, Highland Games, Face painting und noch fell mehr eingerichtet. Außerdem können die Kinder am Bogenschießen teilnehmen, einen leckeren Becher Lemonade trinken und mit dem nets und kinderfreundlichen Publikum zu den fröhlichen Klängen mittanzen, who sound the geese Tag über das Festivalterrain.

Weitere Informationen über das Line-Up (including Informationen und Musikvideos von den teilnehmenden Bands) und alle Informationen über das Festival findest du auf  https://zomerfolk.nl/de/category/festival-info/

You can get tickets here: https://zomerfolk.nl/de/zomerfolk-tickets[:]
