
Do you like to dance? When this band is on stage you will not be able to sit stil!

This folksensation from the Netherlands has been in line-ups with The Levellers, Shane MacGowan, The Transylvanians, Blood Or Whiskey & Fiddler's Green. We are talking about 'Filthy Nelly'! Be sure to check out their page and come dance at their show on Saturday, June 4![:nl]

Do you like dancing? When this band is on stage, it becomes very difficult to sit still!

This folk sensation from the Netherlands has shared the stage with The Levellers, Shane MacGowan, The Transylvanians, Blood Or Whiskey & Fiddler's Green. We're talking 'Filthy Nelly'! Take a look at their page and come and dance on Saturday 4 June![:de]

Liebst du es zu tanzen? Wenn diese Band auf der Bühne steht, kann man unmöglich still sitzen!

Diese Folksensation aus den Niederlanden hat die Bühne bereits mit Größen wie The Levellers, Shane MacGowan, The Transylvanians, Blood Or Whiskey & Fiddler's Green. We're talking about 'Filthy Nelly'! Schaue dir auch ihre page an und komm' mit tanzen am 4. June![:]
