Out of the Circle – Lotte Walda

Out of the Circle – Lotte Walda

[:en] It is almost time for the weekend and therefore time to dream away with a video clip of one of the artists that will perform at Zomerfolk 2018. Today; the beautiful voice of Lotte Walda!  [:nl] Het is weer bijna weekend en dus tijd om heerlijk weg te dromen...


[:en] The musicians of HoppaH! will certainly get the entire Stadspark dancing during Zomerfolk. Tell all your friends that they should not miss this party! Read all about HoppaH! and the rest of the already confirmedLine-Up. For everything you want to know about the...

Find your home at Zomerfolk!

[:en] The best reaction we regularly get about Zomerfolk is that it feels like coming home, even for people who are there for the first time. We think this song from Sunfire therefore completely applies and want to share it with you! Want to know more about the best...