[:en] Heart of Steel has never sounded so cool! Watch and listen to this incredibly spectacular version by Rapalje.[:nl] Heart of Steel heeft nog nooit zo stoer geklonken! Kijk naar deze ongelooflijk spectaculaire uitvoering van dit nummer door Rapalje.[:de] Heart of...
[:en] Rapalje plays Further Up, Further In! Can you sing along?[:nl] Rapalje speelt Further Up, Further In! Kan jij helemaal meezingen?[:de] Rapalje spielt Further Up, Further In! Kannst du es komplett mitsingen?[:]
[:en] A very special recording from the song ‘Dunmore Lassies’, played by Rapalje, with some very special and beautiful guests![:nl] Een bijzondere uitvoering van het nummer ‘Dunmore Lassies’, gespeeld door Rapalje, met een aantal heel speciale...
[:en] Rapalje has no gigs during Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day), but that does not mean you have to do without them on this special day! Perfect chance for a meet & greet! On May 5th Zomerfolk can be found for a day in the Stadspark of Groningen! With a nice...
[:en]For our Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival in 2016, we are looking for four enthusiastic models (m/f) who are not afraid to expose themselves a bit! For the project “The Magic of Music and Art”, the four models will be bodypainted by a team of professionals...