
Bugalicious caravan-2`
wait...what? yes; the motto of the Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival is 'be easy and free, and that can be done by pushing yourself to try new things!

Whether that is by eating a delicious oerham at the Cooking Highlander, drinking a different beer than the local supermarket offers or buying a handful of crickets or a scorpion lollipop; trying things always enriches life by creating new experiences and we love that at Zomerfolk!

Of course you can also 'just' enjoy delicious pulled pork, fries, soup, ice cream and much more. Make sure you don't miss our new pub tent! You will find it next to the archery.


Bugalicious caravan-2

Wait...what? Yes, of course; the Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival has the motto 'be easy and free' and you can do that by pushing your own boundaries!

Whether that is by eating a delicious primal ham from the Cooking Highlander, drinking a different beer than the one the local supermarket offers or buying a handful of crickets or a scorpion lollipop; trying things always enriches your life with a new experience and we like that at Zomerfolk!

Of course you can also 'just' enjoy delicious pulled pork, fries, soup, ice cream and much more. Also make sure you don't miss our new pub tent on the property! You will find this next to the archery range.

[:the]Bugalicious caravan-2

Warte…was? Ja klar, das Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival hat ja das Motto 'be easy and free' und das wird besonders deutlich, wenn du über deine eigenen Grenzen gehst oder einfach mal anders bist!

Ob das nun bedeutet, dass du einen leckeren Urham von den Cooking Highländern isst, du mal ein anders Bier trinkst als der local Supermarket beetet oder ob du mal eine Hand voll Grilling oder einen Skorpion Lolli kaufst, neue Dinginene bere ichupro finden wir so toll beim Zomerfolk!

Natürlich kannst du auch einfach ganz “normal” leckeres Pulled Pork, Pommes, Suppe, Eis oder ähnliches genießen. Pass auf, dass du unser neues Pub-Zelt auf dem Gelände nicht ubersiehst, dieses findest du neben dem Bogenschieß-Gelände.

