[:en]Always wanted to feel like a real Robin Hood? Come to the Rapalje Summer Folk Festival!
As in previous years Noorderpijl wants to organize the archery activities on June 4 and 5 at Zomerfolk! Besides a spectacular demonstration you can, for a small fee, participate in a real archery competition! Will you take the pot of gold home in the end?[:nl]Always wanted to be like Robin Hood? You can at the Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival!
Like every year, Noorderpijl organizes it again on June 4 and 5 archery on Zomerfolk! In addition to a spectacular demonstration, for a small fee, you can also participate in a real archery competition! Are you going home with the pot of gold?[:de]Wolltest du schon immer mal wie Robin Hood signal? Das kannst du – auf dem Rapalje Summer Folk Festival!
So wie jedes Jahr organizes Noorderpijl auch am 4. and 5. June wieder das Bogenschießen auf dem Zomerfolk! In addition, there is a demonstration of the Northern Arrow, which can be used for a small amount of money! Might you with und gehst du dann valleicht mit dem Topf von Gold nach Hause?[:]