
It is one of the main attractions of Zomerfolk every year: our amazing fire show on Saturday!

Our friends from Feurioso have enchanted our visitors since the very first Zomerfolk in 2013 and will do so again in 2016! Fire-breathing, fire poi, fire twirling…it's just the beginning. Feurioso is not just spectacular and beautiful; it's an art!


It is one of the highlights of Zomerfolk every year: the spectacular fire show on Saturday evening!

Our friends from Feurioso have enchanted our visitors since the very first Zomerfolk in 2013 and will do so again in 2016! Fire-breathing, fire poi, fire fans… it's just the beginning. Feurioso is not only spectacular and beautiful; it's an art!


Es ist in jedem Jahr einer der Höhepunkte des Zomerfolk Festivals: die spectacular Feuershow am Samstagabend!

Unsere Freunde von Feurioso bezaubern unsere Besucher schon seit dem very first Zomerfolk 2013 und were das auch in diesem Jahr wieder tun! Feuerspucken, Feuer Poi, Feuerfächer… and that's first of the Anfang! Feurioso is not nicht nur spectacle und beautiful, without real art!

