

Of course the immensely popular Irish Dance workshop will again be organized at Zomerfolk 2016!

Koosje Schouten (a dancer with Rapalje for 11 years and owner / instructor at 'Keltisch Dansje') and Majken Enequist will teach you the principles of a number of typical Irish dances on Saturday and Sunday. So if you've always wanted to learn to dance a jig or a reel; this is your chance! These workshops are suitable for all ages, you do not have to register in advance and they are absolutely free of charge!



Of course we are organizing the immensely popular Irish Dance workshop again this year!

Koosje Schouten (11 years a dancer at Rapalje and owner/teacher of the Celtic Dansje dance school) and Majken Enequist teach you the principles of a number of typical Irish dances on Saturday and Sunday. So have you always wanted to learn how to dance a jig or a reel; this is your chance! These workshops are suitable for all ages, you do not need to register in advance and they are completely free!



Natürlich organize wir auch in diesem Jahr wieder den sehr beliebten Irish Dance Workshop!

Koosje Schouten (11 years long war sie Tänzerin at Rapalje und führt die Tanzschule Celtic Dance) und Majken Enequist singen dir am Samstag und Sonntag die ersten Schritte von einigen typsich Irischen Tänzen. Wenn du also schon immer mal gerne einen Jig oder Reel tanzen lernen wolltest, hast du jetzt die Chance dazu! Diese Workshops since you want to change your mind, you can do it before you start and you have it all for free!

