Your great reviews keep pouring in and we have been walking with a big smile on our faces for days: Zomerfolk 2016 was amazing!
A record number of visitors, two magnificent sunny days, a great crowd … 4 years ago we could only dream about such an incredible party! Your wonderful compliments about the lineup, the workshops, but also the volunteers and the organization; we are overwhelmed with all that we hear and read. Of course we could not have done this without our wonderful volunteers, family and friends, but also certainly not without you! It is remarkable that the visitors who first attended a festival like ours, tell us they are amazed about the fantastic atmosphere and friendliness of the public; and for that we owe you! In the upcoming months we will often look back with photos and videos. Make sure to mark June 24th and 25th, 2017 on your calendar, because then we will celebrate the fifth anniversary of Zomerfolk!
Vriendelijke groeten
David, Maceál, William & Dieb[:nl]
Your fantastic reviews keep pouring in and we have been walking for days with a big smile on our face: Zomerfolk 2016 was beautiful!
A record number of visitors, two beautifully sun-drenched days, a fantastic audience… 4 years ago we could only dream about such a wonderful festival! Your wonderful compliments about the line-up, the workshops, but also the volunteers and the organization: we are blown away by what we all hear and read. Of course we could never have achieved this without our wonderful volunteers, family and friends who helped, but certainly not without you! Because we also notice that visitors who visit such a festival for the first time are surprised about the fantastic atmosphere and friendliness of the audience; and we owe that to you! We will continue to look back over the coming months. Make a note of 24 and 25 June 2017 in your diary, because then we will be celebrating the 5th anniversary of Zomerfolk!
David, Maceal, William & Dieb
Eure super Bewertungen reißen nicht ab und wir laufen seit Tagen mit einem dicken Grinsen im Gesicht herum: Zomerfolk 2016 war so schön!
Rekordbesucherzahlen, zwei herrlich sonnige Tage, fantastics Publikum… for 4 Jahren konnten wir von so einem gelungenen Festival nur träumen! Eure fell Komplimente über das Line-Up, die Workshops aber auch über die freiwilligen Helfer und die Organization – uns haut völlig um was wir alles hören und lesen. Natürlich hätten wir das nie ohne unsere großartigen freiwilligen Helfer, Familie und Freunde bouw können, aber auch ganz bestimmt nicht ohne euch! Uns fallt auf, dass die Besucher die zum ersten Mal so ein Festival besucht hatten, überrascht zijn über die tolle Atmosphäre und die Freundlichkeit des Publikums. Und das verdanken wir nur euch! We were die nächsten Monate immer wieder voller Freude auf das Festival zurückblicken. Notiere dir schon mal den 24. und 25. June 2017 in deinem Calendar, dann feiern wir das 5-jährige Jubiläum vom Zomerfolk!
Viele Grusse
David, Maceal, William & Dieb