[:en] Zomerfolk not only is a huge party with fantastic shows; there is also a lot to do for kids. And children under 12 have free entrance! For example, we have a children's village with castle of straw, highland games, face painting and much more. Children can...
[:en] Storyteller Herman Kruize takes you on a journey of imagination and wonder to mystical places and magical places where special creatures wander, knights battle dragons and monsters and damsels wait for lovers. Stories for young and...
[:en] Who has seen them before, knows it: Cochon Bleu gets your feet moving! And they are coming to Zomerfolk 2017! On Sunday June 25th 2017, the Dutch masters of cajun folk, Cochon Bleu, will play at Zomerfolk! We are very happy to welcome Pigge, Kraai, Clu and...
[:en] Only 55 days until Zomerfolk 2017 and it's time to announce another band in our line-up: Assassenachs! So far 8 bands have been announced, but we are not done yet! After The Dublin Legends, Rebels if The Sacred Heart, Fling, Harmony Glen, Tannahill...
[:en] To get in the mood for our festival we have created an amazing playlist![:nl] To get you in the mood for our festival, we've made a great playlist for you![:de] Um schon mal Richtig in Festivalstimmung zu kommen, haben wir eine tolle Playlist...
[:nl] For Zomerfolk we need a few more volunteers for the Info stand and for the Dixie team! Without our volunteers we would not be able to organize this wonderful folk festival for the fifth time. Every volunteer and every team is indispensable to us....