[:en] From 7 pm tonight, listen to http://ffwdradio.nl/oog-radio-live/ (Dutch only) for some very exciting news![:nl] /ffwdradio.nl/oog-radio-live/ for important news![:de] Hören heute Abend ab 19.00 Uhr eine sehr...
[:en] One of the best things about Zomerfolk is that Rapalje joins several bands on stage. Like with The Kilkennys![:nl] The best thing about Zomerfolk is that Rapalje plays songs together with many of the bands. Like this one with The Kilkennys![:de] Das schönste auf dem...
[:en] More fantastic recordings of the spectacular fire show at the Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival 2016! Were you there?[:nl] More beautiful recordings of Feurioso's spectacular performance during the Rapalje Zomerfolk Festival 2016! Were you there?[:de] Nor mehr...
[:en] This performance by Rapalje at Zomerfolk is extra special because of the fantastic bodypaint models that are dancing along![:nl] This performance by Rapalje at Zomerfolk is extra special because of the beautiful bodypaint models that dance along![:de] dieser...
[:en] We can never get enough of the organizer of Zomerfolk: Rapalje always plays with plenty of passion![:nl] Of course we can never get enough of the organizer of Zomerfolk; Rapalje always plays with passion![:de] Natürlich können wir vom Organizer des...