[:en] Sjoerd van Ravenwaakj (Harmony Glen, Rebels of the Sacred Heart, Acting the Maggot) knows how to entertain an audience! Picture by Detlef Letzner.[:nl] Sjoerd van Ravenwaakj (Harmony Glen, Rebels of the Sacred Heart, Acting the Maggot) knows how to reach an audience...
[:en] Until the next band announcement let's dream away with Lotte Walda and the beautiful song: Bag Full of Dreams. Some sun, a nice spot in the grass and a beer in hand; we are definitely looking forward to this![:nl] Until the next band announcement...
[:en] Folklegends The Tannahill Weavers performed at Zomerfolk 2017; a truly unforgettable moment for us. Do you have pictures of this show? Share them with us![:nl] Folk legends The Tannahill Weavers played at Zomerfolk 2017; an unforgettable moment for us. Have got...
[:en] Every year many beautiful photos are taken at our festival. Like this one by our good friend Detlef Letzner. Do you have beautiful pictures of Zomerfolk? Share them with us![:nl] Every year many beautiful pictures are taken at our festival. Like...
[:en] Today is St. Patrick's Day; this Irish holiday is celebrated all over the world and nowadays the dress code for this is green. Just like our beautiful Zomerfolk jerseys: do you have one?[:nl] Today is St. Patrick's Day; this Irish party is...