
Due to some roadwork in the city of Groningen there are some minor adjustments in the bus route from Groningen Central Station to Zomerfolk. The easiest way is to take the bus to the Concourslaan bus stop!

Check out ov929.nl just before departure and make sure you set bus stop Concourslaan as the exit point; this stop is right at the beginning of the Concourslaan leading you to the Zonneweide and to Zomerfolk!


Due to some work in the city of Groningen, there are some minor changes in the bus route to Zomerfolk from the central station. The easiest way is to take the bus to the Concourslaan bus stop!

Therefore check ov929.nl just before departure and make sure you indicate the Concourslaan bus stop as the exit stop; that stop is right at the beginning of the Concourslaan, which leads you to the Zonneweide and therefore Zomerfolk!


Wegen einige Arbeiten in der Stadt Groningen, gibt es einige small Änderungen in der Buslinie vom Groningen Hauptbahnhof zum Zomerfolk. Der einfachste Weg ist den Bus zur Bushaltestelle Concourslaan zu nehmen!

uberprufe deshalb ov929.nl kurz vor dem Abflug und stell sicher, dass du die Concourslaan angebt um aus zu steepen; die Haltestelle is directly related to the Anfang des Concourslaan und führt dich zum die Zonneweide und Zomerfolk!

