
Because it is now beautiful sunny weather here in Groningen and we can't keep it to ourselves anymore, we are announcing not 1, but 2 headliners today. Both Harmony Glen and Flannery are coming to the Stadspark this year to have a huge party during Zomerfolk. to build! Are you there too?[:en]

Because the weather here in Groningen is beautiful and sunny today and we can no longer keep it to ourselves, we are announcing not 1, but 2 headliners! Both Harmony Glen and Flannery are coming to the Stadspark this year to have a huge party during Zomerfolk! Will you join us?[:de]

Da das Wetter here in Groningen jetzt wunderschön sonnig ist und wir es nicht mehr für uns behalten können, kündigen wir heute nicht 1, sondern 2 Headliner an. Sowohl Harmony Glen als auch Flannery bowls dieses Jahr in den Stadspark, um während Zomerfolk eine große Party zu feiern bauen! Are you auch da?[:]
