Zomerfolk has an extensive and diverse “food market” with delicious food and drinks for every palate!
With all that dancing at Zomerfolk you're bound to get quite hungry! Whether you go for a fantastic meat dish from the spectacular grill at the Cooking Highlander, you are more of a fan of a well-filled soup or you fancy some delicious ice cream; it's all there! And more!
Are you someone who likes to try new things? You can at Zomerfolk! We have “oerham”, mead and even grasshoppers! Would you rather lie comfortably in the grass with a refreshing beer? Our own “Rapalje Pils” is perfect for that!
Got you all hungry?
Zomerfolk has an extensive and varied “food market” with delicious food and drinks for everyone!
All that dancing during Zomerfolk will of course make you hungry! Whether you go for one of the fantastic meat dishes from the spectacular grill of the Cooking Highlander, you are more a lover of a well-filled soup or you feel like a delicious ice cream; it's all there! And more!
Are you someone who likes to try new things? That is also possible on Zomerfolk! For example, we have primal ham, mead and even grasshoppers! Would you rather sit on the grass with a refreshing beer? Our very own “Rapalje Pils” is really something for you!
Are you getting hungry already?
Zomerfolk hat einen großen und abwechslungsreichen “Food Market” mit leckerem Essen und Trinken für alle!
Von all dem Getanze auf dem Zomerfolk gets man natürlich irgendwann mal Hunger! Ob du nun lieber eines der fantasticen Fleischgericht vom Spectakulären Grill of Cooking Highlander möchtest, oder du eher der Liebhaber einer reichhaltigen Suppe bist oder aber du Lust auf ein leckeres Requirement hast: das haben wir everything! And neither fell mehr!
Bist du jemand, der auch gerne mal was Neues tries? Auch that ist auf dem Zomerfolk is possible! So gibt es bei uns z. B. auch Oerham, Mede und sogar Heuschrecken! Sitzt du lieber im Gras mit einem erfrischenden Beer? Unser eigenes “Rapalje Pils” ist dann really was für dich!
Kriegst du schon Hunger?[:]