
Today we are giving you an early Christmas present; another band announcement for Zomerfolk!

after fling and of course the Tannahil Weavers we have found another great band willing to play at the 5th edition of Zomerfolk: Harmony Glen!
This awesome band is known for their fantastic shows and upbeat music, and we are therefore certain that you will become as big of a fan of Harmony Glen as we are!

So if you are looking for a unique Christmas present? Quick order a ticket for Summer Folk 2017! You can also buy the tickets at our concerts; just ask for them at our merchandise stall.


Today we already give you your Christmas present; another band announcement for Zomerfolk!

Next fling and of course the Tannahil Weavers we have found another great band that will play at the 5th edition of Zomerfolk: Harmony Glen!

This amazing band is known for their fantastic shows and happy music and we are sure you are just as much a fan of Harmony Glen will be as we are! Are you still looking for a unique Christmas present? Order one quickly ticket for Zomerfolk 2017 and let the anticipation begin! The tickets are now also for sale at our concerts; ask for it at our merchandise.


Heute gibt es schon mal ein Weihnachtsgift von uns, und black wieder eine Banddankündigung für das Zomerfolk 2017!

Neben fling and natural den Tannahil Weavers haben wir noch eine hervorragende Band gefunden, die auf dem 5. Summer folk play: Harmony Glen!

Diese fantastic Band ist bekannt für ihre mitreißenden Shows und fröhliche Musik und wir sind uns sicher, dass ihr bald genauso ein Fan von Harmony Glen signal who wir! Bist du noch auf der Suche nach einem besonderen Weihnachtsgift? Order then quickly ein Ticket für das Zomerfolk 2017 und genieße schon mal die Vorfreude! Die Tickets sind ab sofort auch auf unseren Konzerten zu bekommen, frage einfach bei unserem Merchandise danach.

