[:en] Whatever age you are; Summer folk is for everyone! From the little ones who will be talking about the Children's Village after months to the real party animals that go wild at The Mahones of Saor Patrol. More of the traditional folk music? There's also an...
[:en] In 2018, the young and incredibly talented Lotte Walda was on stage with us. Enjoy this Monday morning with her song Bag Full Of Dreams and get in the mood for the upcoming weekend![:en] In 2018, the young and incredibly talented...
[:nl] We're giving away 2 x 2 weekend tickets. Tell us in the comments below who you would like to give these tickets to or with whom you would like to go to Zomerfolk. Maybe you want to experience an unforgettable Father's Day with your father / children or do you know someone who wants to experience the positive Zomerfolk vibes on...
[:en] Do you have as much anticipation planning your Zomerfolk days as we have? What do you absolutely not want to miss out on and what are you very curious about? View the full program now![:nl] Are you already having so much fun planning your Zomerfolk days?...
[:nl] Are you already looking forward to June 15 and 16? We will be posting a video of Zomerfolk 2018 every morning these last days to get you in the mood so you can start the day dancing! [:en] [:de] Freust du dich schon auf den 15....
[:nl] Do you already have your tickets for Zomerfolk? You only have until Friday afternoon to purchase these for the special presale price, so don't wait too long: https://zomerfolk.nl/zomerfolk-tickets/[:en]Do you already have your tickets for Zomerfolk? you only have...
[:en] And another fantastic name in our pub! This band made you dance in 2015 and it will be no different now. Zomerfolk serves on Saturdays at 20:15 and at 22:00 hrs: LQR![:nl] And another fantastic name in our pub! In 2015 this band already got you dancing and...
[:nl] Anyone who has ever been to the center of Groningen city knows him: Moti! This street musician in heart and soul has been playing in Stad for 38 years and this Zomerfolk he will perform on Sunday in our pub tent![:en] Everyone who has ever been to the center of...
[:en] A unique, engraved, earthenware cup. A fun keepsake for yourself or maybe a nice gift? At Zomerfolk we're using our own earhenware cups. You pay 2 coins at the bar which you'll get back when you return it. However, it's of course way more...
[:nl] Various workshops will be given during the Zomerfolk weekend. Whether you like Scottish dance, Irish dance or want to try out the bagpipes, in our Workshop tent you can attend one or all three workshops! See the full...